Finally summertime! It’s an exciting season for children in the neighborhood and outdoor enthusiasts alike. The hot weather and uptick in outdoor activity mean there are some important things to keep in mind for maintaining our beautiful Douglas Downs community.

Summer is the season for lawn maintenance and gardening. Make sure your lawn is watered, regularly cut, and healthy looking by patching up any spots that may not have made it through the winter. If you can, see if you can identify the culprit to save yourself time and money next year! Keeping up with weeding and garden care is also essential this time of year to keep the neighborhood landscaping beautiful. We look forward to seeing everyone’s yard in full bloom.

Lawn care in the summer is also about making sure that all outdoor areas visible from the street are clear of tools, children’s toys, hoses, etc when not in use. In order to keep our streets accessible and to be respectful to your neighbors, remember that larger recreational items such as boats, trailers, and RVs may only be parked outside your home for 48 consecutive hours. If you have approved enclosed storage on your property, they can of course be kept there.

If you have a pool, ensure it’s clean and ready for safe use on the hot days ahead. After pollen season, you may consider pressure washing patios, driveways, and decks to get a true summer refresh and protect your family and pets from excess allergens. If you have plans to take on any summer property improvement projects, be sure to apply for approval!

In terms of indoor home preparations, we recommend tuning up your HVAC system because we all know the Georgia heat never holds back. Check for any poor sealing around windows, doors, and the foundation just like you would in the winter, but this time to keep cool air in and hot air out. 

We hope you have a wonderful summer and stay cool!